


3 december 2024


The Hydrogen Leadership Forum will be marked by true hydrogen leadership in the region. A jury of hydrogen organizations from participating countries will together award great initiatives and leading figures in the transition. Register now to have a chance at winning a Hydrogen Leadership Award!

View the programme herePractical info


In today’s rapidly evolving world, where sustainable energy solutions are paramount, we need to recognize and celebrate the visionaries and innovators driving the hydrogen revolution. Hydrogen, the clean energy of choice in Europe, has the potential to permanently alter our energy landscape and mitigate climate change. To propel this transformative technology forward, the people driving change and taking leadership will be rewared tonight.

Sign up here to have a chance at the Awards!


These persons and organisations were awarded and have had the title of the Hydrogen Leaders this year:
FRONTRUNNER AWARD: Knud Erik Andersen, CEO, European Energy (Denmark)
NETWORKER AWARD: Ulco Vermeulen, special advisor to the Executive Board of Gasunie (Netherlands)
PROJECT AWARD: GET H2 Nukleus – RWE, bp, Evonik, Nowega and OGE (Germany)

General conditions and criteria

The Hydrogen Leadership Awards are handed out by an independent jury comprised of national hydrogen associations, for excellent leadership in three different categories. Anyone, actors great and small, can join if they believe that their initiatives fit the awards’ criteria. The specific descriptions and criteria for each award can be found below, but these are some general takeaways:

Leadership can come from individuals and organisations alike, but that does not mean they are one and the same. In your registration, try to be as specific as possible about who is truly behind impressive initiatives. You should try to get as far as possible down the following line: consortium (i.a.) -> organisation -> department -> team -> individual leader.
As a regional conference trying to enable a European network and vision of leaders in the hydrogen transition, certain international aspects, such as cross-border elements of the initiative, are especially appreciated.
The jury is independent and thus voluntarily committed to these awards. Try to be concise, concrete, and complete with the information you provide. The jury members might not have time to research your nominee outside of the form you hand in.
Actions speak louder than words! Starting construction, FIDs, or other definitive acts are always more impressive than unbacked promises for 2030.
The nominee and/or the initiative has to be Europe-based, preferably in one of the participating countries (NO, DK, DE, FR, NL, BE, LU).
Each nomination should have at least one contact person with correct contact details. If we cannot reach the nominee, he or she cannot receive the award. Nominations with only generic company info ("info@" email adresses) will not be accepted


For the one with heart for hydrogen, who is building the next part of the market no matter what. Without guaranteed offtake, infrastructure, or supply, volatile energy prices, and legislation in flux, this leader charges onwards to the future of a hydrogen fueled Europe. This award is for those with the resolve to be at the very tip of the spear, who cares more about transitioning than quarterly financials.

Any questions about this prize, the criteria, and if your nominee fits the bill? Ask Lucas at lm@managementproducties.com or +31 (0)10 435 04 77.


Winner of the Frontrunner Award last year:

Knud Erik Andersen, CEO, European Energy – For taking great risk and constructing one of the first major Power-to-X projects in Denmark. In a period with a lot of market turmoil, that was exactly what was needed: Getting actual experience with actual plants so we can lower costs and bring more projects from Power Points to FID.


Candidacy for this award has to fulfill the following conditions:
An individual, company, or non-governmental organization
Representing an initiative that braved immense risk to adapt to the hydrogen economy
Which was started, announced, or otherwise relevant to the year 2024
And has not yet been nominated in previous editions
Sign up here for the Frontrunner Award!


For the people-person that has used his or her persuasive powers to bring together the most impressive coalition of the willing to work on hydrogen. Consortia, alliances, or associations, anything will do regardless of public or private formats. The importance of the network comes from its (potential) impact on the hydrogen transition, such as the amount and importance of its members, concrete and binding goals, and other resources at their disposal. This award is for those who inspire and activate others.

Any questions about this prize, the criteria, and if your nominee fits the bill? Ask Lucas at lm@managementproducties.com or +31 (0)10 435 04 77.


Winner of the Networker Award last year:

Ulco Vermeulen, special advisor to the Executive Board of Gasunie with a focus on the development of international hydrogen supply chains. He is a real innovator bringing parties together from energy infrastructure perspective. He is a strong believer that we have an unique role to play we can bring together the global and regional components for the distribution of hydrogen.


Candidacy for this award has to fulfill the following conditions:
An individual, company, government (agency), or non-governmental organization
Who set up, or was crucial to the setting up of, a significant formal or informal network or group of actors in the hydrogen economy
Which was started, announced, or otherwise relevant to the year 2024
And has not yet been nominated in previous editions
Sign up here for the Networker Award!


For the most important technological developments that have the potential to significantly impact the hydrogen economy. Increasing efficiency to bring prices down, overcoming problems that were preventing roll-outs, innovations that allow hydrogen to access more markets, or engineering scales that were not previously thought possible. This award is for the brightest minds that are essential for maturing the hydrogen market in Europe.

Any questions about this prize, the criteria, and if your nominee fits the bill? Ask Lucas at lm@managementproducties.com or +31 (0)10 435 04 77.


Winner of the Project Award last year:

GET H2 Nukleus – With this project RWE, bp, Evonik, Nowega and OGE want to increasingly supply industrial companies and the mobility sector with green hydrogen via Germany’s first publicly accessible hydrogen network by 2025. It created an important starting point for the hydrogen economy in the Emsland, Münsterland and Ruhr regions and, with its realisation, the basis for connecting further producers and consumers of green hydrogen from industry and SMEs. The project partners thus created a blueprint for solving the chicken-and-egg problem and developed an integrated and sustainable regional hydrogen value chain.


Candidacy for this award has to fulfill the following conditions:
A project being developed by the either the public or private sector, or both
Which is located in Europe, preferably one of the participating countries (NO, DK, DE, FR, NL, BE, LU)
For which some binding decision has been taken in 2024 (FID, PPA, started construction, etc.)
And has not yet been nominated in previous editions
Sign up here for the Project Award!


Have a look at our programme for the awards of the 3rd of December during and after the Hydrogen Leadership Forum

14:30 Energy in the energy transition

An introduction on the Hydrogen Leadership Awards by the Chair of this year’s jury, accompanied by some exemplary material from the nominees.

15.15 Networking coffee break

Find out who this year’s hydrogen leaders are, and watch the jury reward their initiative with the awards: Frontrunner 2024, Networker 2024, and Project 2024!

17.30 Celebratory networking drinks

The most important and intimate networking moment with participants from both the Hydrogen Leadership Forum and the Hydrogen Leadership Awards!

More information Sign up here! Go to the forum

Chair of the Jury 2024

Oliver Weimann is the chair of the jury of the Hydrogen Leadership Awards 2024.

Hydrogen Leadership Awards.

We are counting down to December 3rd, when we will share knowledge and make connections. We hope to see you there!









Jury 2023

Media Partners 2023


Location & Parking

This edition will take place in Germany. More info on the location and venue will be pubished soon!


The event will bring together roughly 100-150 directors, senior managers, and policy makers from the energy, industry, maritime and transport sectors.

Participating companies from the last iteration included:

AAB, Accenture, ACM, AECOM Nederland, Air Liquide, Air Products, allesoverwaterstof.nl, Antea Group, ArcelorMittal Group, Avecom, Baker Hughes, BAM Infra – HK Regionaal, BASF, Batenburg Installatietechniek, Battolyser Systems, Berenschot, Bluebird Consultant, Bona iDea Advisory, Bosal, Bosch Rexroth, Boston Consulting Group, Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V., Shell Brunei, Bureau Veritas, CERI, Clean Air Task Force, Consulaat-Generaal Antwerpen Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Corbion, CPMR, DAF Trucks NV, Dansk Industri, DCM EMBA, Deloitte, Deltalinqs, DEME Concessions NV, DEME Offshore, DNV, Dow Benelux, Dredging International nv, Duiker Clean Technologies, EBN, Ecotradex GmbH, EERA, E-Group a.s., Enduris, Eneco, Eneco Wind Belgium, Energeia, Energie-Nederland, Energy Climate Solution, ENGIE, ENGIE Electrabel, EOLY, Eon Energy Projects, ERAC Innovation, E-Trucks Europe, Eurogas, European Commission, Europoort Producties, Evides Industriewater, EvoBus Nederland BV, ExxonMobil, FETSA, Flanders Investment & Trade, Flow Meter Group International, Fluvius, Flying Fish Maritime Innovations, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM), Gasunie, Gate Terminal, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam, Greenspread, Groingen Seaports, H. Essers, H2 Cluster, H2-Fuel Technologies,  Heerema Marine Contractors, Heylen Warehouses, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Huisman Equipment, Hunter Douglas Europe, HyCC, Hydrasun, Hystream, Hyundai Motor Nederland, Iemants, IFIEC, IHI Hauzer Techno Coating, IMC, Imperial College London, InnoEnergy, IRO, IRO, Iv-Industrie, Jan De Nul, JFCC, Johanssen + Kretschmer Strategische Kommunikation GmbH, John Laing, KH Engineering, Knaap Tankstation, Koninklijke Vopak, Linde Gas, Louwman & Parqui, Lucifer GCV, MarFlex Europe, Marsh, Marsh, MEvL – Future Energy Learning & Consultancy, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, NautaDutilh, Nav-Tech, Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie, Nel Hydrogen, Neptune Energy Netherlands, Netherlands Aerospace Centre, NIBC Bank, NLHydrogen, Norsk Hydrogenforum, North Sea Commission, Nouryon, NOW GmbH, NRC Media, NV Bekaert SA, NV Vinçotte SA, Offshore Independents Personnel, Oiltanking Europe, Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Oost Nederland, Oost NL, Oranje-Nassau Energie, ORTEC, Otary RS NV, Petersburg Consultants | WSP, Pilz, PMF Pressure Equipment, PMV, Pondera Consult, Port of Amsterdam, Port of Antwerp, Port of Roenne, Port of Rotterdam, Pro6com BV, Provincie Drenthe, Provincie Zuid-Holland, Purac Biochem, Resato Hydrogen Technology, Rivermaas, Rosier SA, Rotterdam Mainport Institute, Royal Boskalis Westminster, RWE Belgium, RWE Generation, S&P Global, Saint Gobain Construction Products Belgium, SBM Offshore, SEA Europe, SEA-invest, SEA-Tank Terminal Antwerp, SEW Energy, Shell, Shell Hydrogen, Shell New Fuels, Shell Switzerland AG, Siemens NV, Soltegro, Solvay, SPDG, STAR Group NL, Statkraft Markets, Strohm, SUEZ Deutschland GmbH, Tallgrass Energy, Tata Steel, Tauw, Tech Tour, Teijin Aramid, TenneT TSO, The Clean Technologies Design Desk, Thomas More, thyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, thyssenkrupp Veerhaven BV, TNO, Toyota Motor Europe, Toyota Tshusho Europe, Tradinco Instruments, TSA (Tank storage UK), TU Delft, TWI Ltd., Unabhängiger Tanklagerverband e.V. (UTV), Uniper Benelux, Universiteit Antwerpen, UNO-X, Valve World, Van der Spek Vianen, Van Hool.

Nominate for the Hydrogen Leadership Awards

Think you or someone you know fits the bill for one of the awards? Then register your initiative for review by the jury! Let Europe know what you have been doing this past year for the hydrogen transition.

Participation fee Hydrogen Leadership Forum

The awards will be handed out during the Hydrogen Leadership Forum on 3 December. The participation fee is €649,- (excl. VAT*) per person. This includes lunch, refreshments and documentation.

Nominated for the Awards? As a nominee, you enjoy discounted access to the conference at €549,- (excl. VAT*).

Coming with 3 or more participants? Or want to join as partner? Please contact our office or call +31 (0)10 435 04 77.

Should you be unable to attend the conference yourself, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. Cancellations must be received in writing at least 3 weeks before the start of the event. The company regrets that no refund will be made available for cancellation notifications received less than 3 weeks before the event.

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