The conference focussed on the industry’s side in the hydrogen debate. Bringing together the brightest leaders from all related sectors to make Europe the frontrunner of the global hydrogen market.
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We are counting down until December 3rd, when we will share knowledge and make connections. We hope to see you there!
Hydrogen has emerged as the premier energy choice for Europe. As the continent pivots towards maximising its production, we need to look at the parties that determine the shape and size of the market: the offtakers. How much will be produced, which directions pipelines are built, and how much should be imported all depend on Europe’s ability to transition and grow its industry.
Yet, Europe’s industry is pressed beneath billowing energy prices, difficult access to critical resources, and fierce competition from abroad. Stepping into a (generally) more expensive source of energy requires bold action within a challenging economic and political landscape. Only with a concentrated effort, from industry, government, energy, and other segments from the value chain can we create a sustainable case for the hydrogen market in Europe. This demands innovative leaders who dare to stand tall, step ahead, and pioneer change.
Uniting these forward-thinking leaders is crucial. It enables sectors to synchronise their timelines, infrastructure, and future aspirations, fostering a collective reaping of the maximum benefits from their investments, hopefully making an expensive transition feasible and lucrative.
Hans Coenen
Member of the Executive Board
Vegard Frihammer
Chairman of the Board
Norwegian Hydrogen Association
Albert Kassies
Director New Energy
Tata Steel
Florian Sayer
Head of Energy
Fraunhofer Institute (IFAM)
Joop Hazenberg
Secretary General
Zero Emissions Platform
Preben Friis-Hauge
North Sea Commission
Rene Peters
Director Gas Technology
An Stroobandt
Deputy-Chief of Cabinet
Ministry of Energy Belgium
Magnolia Tovar
Global Director Zero-Carbon Fuels
Clean Air Task Force
Bas Pulles
Project Director Delta Rhine Corridor
Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate
Prajeev Rasiah
Executive VP & Regional Director Energy Systems – Northern Europe
Per Olof Granström
Energy Climate Solution
Vibeke Rasmussen
SVP Product Management & Certification
Yara International
Dyonne Rietveld
Country Chair
Cora van Nieuwenhuizen
Energie Nederland
Jeroen Steens
Director Commercial Delivery
Port of Rotterdam
Marcel van de Kar
Global Director New Energies
Royal Vopak
Alastair Smith
Senior Consultant Climate and Sustainability
S&P Global
Herbert Krajenbrink
Head of Unit Hydrogen
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, Netherlands
Daniel Mes
Cabinet Member to Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra
European Commission
Jeannette Baljeu
Province of Zuid-Holland
Click on the subject to read further details.
Opening speech by a prominent regional figure standing strong by hydrogen
It’s time for you to step into a leadership role and collaborate with peers. Split into focused groups, you’ll dive into discussions about your operational challenges and triumphs. Through these exchanges, the goal is to unearth fresh opportunities for collaboration and synchronize project initiatives with fellow participants, all guided by a seasoned experts in the respective field. The groups cover a wide range of subjects, spanning from financing to the European hydrogen grid.
A: Finance for changing production methods
B: European merchant market for hydrogen
C: National grids and how to connect them
Moderated by Thilo von der Grün, Director System Development, ENTSOG
D: Markets after hydrogen: demand for green products?
The event will bring together roughly 100 executives, senior managers, and policy makers from the industry and energy sectors, as well as ports, TSO’s, and consultants. Accompanying the main group, there certainly will be research institutes, financial actors, and other interested parties with a stake in the region and/or the transition.
Participating companies from the last iteration included:
AAB, Accenture, ACM, AECOM Nederland, Air Liquide, Air Products,, Antea Group, ArcelorMittal Group, Avecom, Baker Hughes, BAM Infra – HK Regionaal, BASF, Batenburg Installatietechniek, Battolyser Systems, Berenschot, Bluebird Consultant, Bona iDea Advisory, Bosal, Bosch Rexroth, Boston Consulting Group, Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V., Shell Brunei, Bureau Veritas, CERI, Clean Air Task Force, Consulaat-Generaal Antwerpen Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Corbion, CPMR, DAF Trucks NV, Dansk Industri, DCM EMBA, Deloitte, Deltalinqs, DEME Concessions NV, DEME Offshore, DNV, Dow Benelux, Dredging International nv, Duiker Clean Technologies, EBN, Ecotradex GmbH, EERA, E-Group a.s., Enduris, Eneco, Eneco Wind Belgium, Energeia, Energie-Nederland, Energy Climate Solution, ENGIE, ENGIE Electrabel, EOLY, Eon Energy Projects, ERAC Innovation, E-Trucks Europe, Eurogas, European Commission, Europoort Producties, Evides Industriewater, EvoBus Nederland BV, ExxonMobil, FETSA, Flanders Investment & Trade, Flow Meter Group International, Fluvius, Flying Fish Maritime Innovations, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM), Gasunie, Gate Terminal, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam, Greenspread, Groingen Seaports, H. Essers, H2 Cluster, H2-Fuel Technologies, Heerema Marine Contractors, Heylen Warehouses, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Huisman Equipment, Hunter Douglas Europe, HyCC, Hydrasun, Hystream, Hyundai Motor Nederland, Iemants, IFIEC, IHI Hauzer Techno Coating, IMC, Imperial College London, InnoEnergy, IRO, IRO, Iv-Industrie, Jan De Nul, JFCC, Johanssen + Kretschmer Strategische Kommunikation GmbH, John Laing, KH Engineering, Knaap Tankstation, Koninklijke Vopak, Linde Gas, Louwman & Parqui, Lucifer GCV, MarFlex Europe, Marsh, Marsh, MEvL – Future Energy Learning & Consultancy, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, NautaDutilh, Nav-Tech, Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie, Nel Hydrogen, Neptune Energy Netherlands, Netherlands Aerospace Centre, NIBC Bank, NLHydrogen, Norsk Hydrogenforum, North Sea Commission, Nouryon, NOW GmbH, NRC Media, NV Bekaert SA, NV Vinçotte SA, Offshore Independents Personnel, Oiltanking Europe, Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Oost Nederland, Oost NL, Oranje-Nassau Energie, ORTEC, Otary RS NV, Petersburg Consultants | WSP, Pilz, PMF Pressure Equipment, PMV, Pondera Consult, Port of Amsterdam, Port of Antwerp, Port of Roenne, Port of Rotterdam, Pro6com BV, Provincie Drenthe, Provincie Zuid-Holland, Purac Biochem, Resato Hydrogen Technology, Rivermaas, Rosier SA, Rotterdam Mainport Institute, Royal Boskalis Westminster, RWE Belgium, RWE Generation, S&P Global, Saint Gobain Construction Products Belgium, SBM Offshore, SEA Europe, SEA-invest, SEA-Tank Terminal Antwerp, SEW Energy, Shell, Shell Hydrogen, Shell New Fuels, Shell Switzerland AG, Siemens NV, Soltegro, Solvay, SPDG, STAR Group NL, Statkraft Markets, Strohm, SUEZ Deutschland GmbH, Tallgrass Energy, Tata Steel, Tauw, Tech Tour, Teijin Aramid, TenneT TSO, The Clean Technologies Design Desk, Thomas More, thyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, thyssenkrupp Veerhaven BV, TNO, Toyota Motor Europe, Toyota Tshusho Europe, Tradinco Instruments, TSA (Tank storage UK), TU Delft, TWI Ltd., Unabhängiger Tanklagerverband e.V. (UTV), Uniper Benelux, Universiteit Antwerpen, UNO-X, Valve World, Van der Spek Vianen, Van Hool.
Registration fee
The participation fee is €649,- (excl. VAT*) per person. This includes lunch, refreshments and documentation.
Prefer multiple tickets for your company and contacts for the Hydrogen Leadership Forum? Or do you want to join as partner? Please contact Lucas Marsé by email or call +31 10 313 09 60.
Should you be unable to attend the conference yourself, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. Cancellations must be received in writing at least 3 weeks before the start of the event. The company regrets that no refund will be made available for cancellation notifications received less than 3 weeks before the event.