Offshore Day.

Energy at sea

4 June 2024 - Rotterdam

Offshore Day is a yearly high-level conference that brings together industry leaders, decision-makers, and experts in the field of offshore energy. It’s a platform for in-depth discussions and insights into the strategic aspects of offshore energy, focusing on the development, deployment, and management of offshore energy resources.

Check out the programmeLocation & Costs


Wondering what Offshore Day is all about? Just have a glimpse of what we did already!


The 9th edition of the Offshore Day conference was a groundbreaking exploration of the future of offshore energy! Discovering the latest advancements in energy exploration, production, transportation, and storage at sea while connecting with industry leaders and innovators. The potential of the sea for our growing energy demand is huge, we discussed how we can collaborate, learn from experiences and other countries and develop the offshore renewable market and climate solutions. Register for next year and be part of the conversation!

Themes Offshore Day 2024: energy at sea

The offshore energy debate on how to scale-up developments
Tender processes, finance, (non-pricing)criteria, regulation
Infrastructure and connecting offshore to onshore
Hybrid solutions: hydrogen, storage, aquaculture
Empty gasfields and CC(U)S


Yolande Verbeek


Karen de Lathouder


Jan Vos


Lex de Groot

Managing Director NL
Neptune Energy

Jan van der Lee

Lead Energy System Outlook

Axelle Viré

Professor of Floating Wind Energy
TU Delft

Marnix van Alphen

Energy Transition Manager

Michiel van Rij

Country Lead Offshore Wind Development Benelux

Iratxe Gonzalez Aparicio

Program Manager System Integration Wind Energy
TNO / Grow FlexH2

Lucia Beloqui Larumbe

Offshore Wind Electrical Researcher
FlexH2 project consortium

Rogier Elshout


Gerda Verburg

Element NL

Alexander Jongenburger

Business Development Manager

Pepijn Pronk

Senior Category Manager Energy & Utilities
Tata Steel Nederland

Mark Stuurman

Team Leader Energy System Development
Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy

programme 2024

Here is the schedule for Offshore Day: Energy at SEA. Click on the topics for more info.

10:30 AM CET Walk-in and networking

by professional moderator Rogier Elshout

Mark Stuurman, Team Leader Energy System Development, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

As nations bordering the North Sea pledge to fast-track pivotal energy endeavors at sea, the stage is set for an offshore transformation. Delve into the mosaic of future energy and envision a fully integrated system that capitalizes on the sea’s vast potential.

Moderator: Jan Vos, chair of NedZero

Debate with:

  • Karen de Lathouder, COO Eneco
  • Pepijn Pronk, Senior Category Manager Energy & Utilities Tata Steel and chairman Taskforce Electricity VEMW
  • Mark Stuurman, Team Leader Energy System Development, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

12:25 PM CET Lunch and networking

Floating wind technology represents a leap forward in renewable energy, tapping into the untapped winds across the deep seas. There is a huge potential for floating wind worldwide. This innovation is a powerful and sustainable answer to our growing energy needs.

Axelle Viré, professor Floating Wind Energy TU Delft

Are we fit for scaling-up wind? Unlocking the potential for renewable energy production with offshore wind we face challenges like: tendering and pricing, system integration, EU standardization vs national legislation and standards, biodiversity, innovation and growth opportunities.

Co-Moderator: Jan Vos, chair of NedZero


  • Marnix van Alphen, Energy Transition Manager Vattenfall
  • Michiel van Rij, Head of Offshore Development RWE Benelux
  • Jan van der Lee, Lead Energy System Outlook TenneT

14:40 PM CET Coffeebreak and networking

If we look at the offshore wind and hydrogen outlook until 2050 the demand will be huge. Why is it important to couple hydrogen to offshore wind? What are the challenges when you connect offshore wind to hydrogen, both technical and business perspectives. What are the solutions that we need to tackle these challenges? The FlexH2 project is an example combining wind and hydrogen. What are the lessons learned and how can we tackle the challenges?

Iratxe Gonzalez Aparicio, Manager System Integration Wind Energy TNO
Lucia Beloqui Larumbe, FlexH2 project consortium

Pioneering the future of carbon neutrality: leads the way to large scale storage on the North Sea. It demands a long term vision, and it asks for making choices on spatial planning now. Policy frameworks are needed in facilitating the expansion and scalability of both CCS and also hydrogen storage.

Interview with:

  • Gerda Verburg, Chairwoman, Element NL
  • Jan Willem van Hoogstraten, CEO, EBN
  • Lex de Groot, Managing Director NL, Neptune Energy
  • Alexander Jongenburger, Development Manager, Equinor

16:30 Networking Reception

I have a question Registrations for next edition will open soon!

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Media Partners 2024

Speakers 2024



There were managing directors and other senior executives from offshore companies specialised in offshore wind, oil & gas, drilling, E&P, hydrogen, maritime, dredging and many other specialisations. The topics we will be discussing this day will include global energy transition, offshore wind, system integration, sustainability, innovation, global projects, digitalization and future growth.

Former edition

1 or more professionals from the following organisations joined us:

Aerones, Alcogroup, Allianz Capital Partners, Allseas Engineering, Ampelmann Operations, Axpo Benelux SA, AYOP, BASF, BASF Nederland, Croonwolter&Dros, DEME, DNV, EBN, Element NL, Eneco, Eneco B.V., Energy Club TU Delft, Enersea BV, Equinor, European Commission, ExxonMobil, Fabricom Offshore Services, Fugro NL, Gasunie, Huisman Equipment, IRO, Jumbo Maritime, Liberty Mutual Surety, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Mitsubishi Turbocharger and Engine Europe BV, National Grid, Neptune Energy, NWEA, Overlegorgaan Fysieke Leefomgeving (OFL), P&V Panels, Pondera Consult, Port of Den Helder, Relyon Nutec, Rijkswaterstaat, Royal NIOZ, RWE, RWE Generation SE, RWE Offshore, RWE Renewables GmbH, SBM Offshore, Shell, Shell Nederland, Shell plc, SMST Designers & Constructors, Smulders, Strohm, Sweco, Sweco Belgium, Sweco Nederland, TenneT, TNO, TU Delft, Van Oord, Vattenfall, VIRO, Wintershall Dea AG, Witteveen + Bos, Ørsted

Invest in your future! The costs of attending this conference are €649,- (excl. VAT) per participant. This includes a full program of experts and leaders in the business, multiple networking experiences, lunch and refreshments for the day.

We find it important that the future managers and directors are present at our gathering. Are you in the last year of your study? Then you are more than welcome to participate for a student fee of €150,- (incl. VAT and consumptions). Send an email to with a copy of your student pass and a request for participation. There is a limited amount of spots for students.

Were you called away unexpectedly or not able to make it after all? Please give away your ticket to one of your colleagues for free. If that’s not possible, then you can cancel your ticket cost-free up to three weeks prior to the event (per email). Within the three weeks up tot the event the full participation fee is due. If you register in the last three weeks prior to the event, you cannot cancel your ticket cost-free.

Stay tuned!

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